Standing Committees - SCSD Educational Foundation

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is composed of the Foundation’s Board Officers. The chief function of the Executive Committee is to plan the work of the board including providing the agenda and other guidelines for board actions and ensuring member involvement. Another chief role of the Executive Committee is to provide guidance for the organization between board meetings and make policy recommendations to the full board.



Executive Committee Members
  • Heidi Hart-Gorman
  • Mary Beth Lopez
  • Gianna Conte

Board Development Committee

The Board Development (formerly Nominating Committee) oversees the identification,  recruitment, orientation, training, and retention of board members. This committee looks for  opportunities to strengthen and evolve the board’s effectiveness, capacity, composition, and  ability to lead the Foundation into the future. The duties of the Board Development Committee  include an assessment of board performance, both for the board as a whole and of individual board members. The committee is responsible for identifying board position descriptions, by evaluating the needs of the board and developing profiles of the skillsets that are needed to fill  vacancies on the board. It works with the rest of the board members to help find the right  people to fill these board positions and works hard to promote diversity on the board. The  committee also implements, along with executive committee members and staff of the  organization, board orientation sessions. The Board Development Committee is responsible for  ongoing education of the board.



Board Development Committee Members
  • The Foundation's Executive Committee Administrates this Committee

Grants Committee

The Grants Committee has one of the most important duties in fulfilling the mission of the  Foundation. Committee members oversee the grant application process from beginning to end, and work with Foundation staff to ensure online application forms and guidelines are updated and relevant. The grants committee is also charged with providing support to teachers  submitting grants. Committee members are responsible to review all application forms  submitted and are responsible to read and evaluate every grant project under consideration.  The committee then convenes each October to review, discuss, and deliberate about each  project and grant application. The grants committee compiles a list of those projects they feel  should be funded and makes a committee recommendation to the full board for approval. Grant committee members are also welcome and encouraged to participate and attend project  presentations in Syracuse schools when invited by the teachers or project coordinators.



Grants Committee Members
  • Melissa Moore
    Committee Chair
  • Tracy Murphy
    SCSD Grants Department
  • Iranstina Reid
  • Steve Kulick
    Le Moyne College
  • Natividad Torrence
    Mercy Works

Marketing/Communication Committee

The Marketing/Communication Committee works with staff and other board committees to  develop and implement the marketing/communications plan that articulates the primary  audiences and targets for the Foundation, how best to reach them, and what they most care  about. The committee monitors the presentation of the Foundation’s brand, and ensures that  the products, services, and programs of the Foundation remain relevant to the audience. The  committee develops strategies and outreach programs that will drive new partners, sponsors,  followers and target markets such as SCSD alumni, retirees, and parents to support the  Foundation. The committee takes an active role in supporting strategies and development for  various marketing communications channels and web presences including, electronic/social  media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc), newsletters, public relations, website design and  content and printed collateral.  The committee also identifies speaking opportunities for board  members and Foundation leadership to help market the organization.



Marketing/Communication Committee Members
  • TBD
    Committee Chair
  • Mike Henesey
    Director of Communications, SCSD
  • Meredith Needham
    Peaceful Schools
  • Rich Conway
    Syracuse Office Environments
  • Rickey Brown
    Diversity-NY LLC
  • Tamica Barnett
    Commissioner, Syracuse City School Board
  • Kari Krause
    Acropolis Realty Group
  • Precious Walker
    Simply Precious Hands

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is led by the board treasurer to oversee the creation of the budget,  monitor and report on the financial status and activities of the agency, ensure the financial  policies and practices are followed, and oversee all financial activities of the Foundation. In  addition, the Finance Committee is responsible for pursuing grant funding opportunities, to  establish donations options for alumni, retirees, and District supporters in the form of  endowments, cash contributions, and contributions made through personal trusts and estates.  The finance committee usually includes the Treasurer, and key members of the board.



Finance Committee Members
  • Gianna Conte
    Committee Chair
  • Heidi Hart-Gorman
  • Mike Sattler

Special Events / Fundraising / Development Committee

The Special Events Committee of the Foundation focuses its attention on two annual programs:  The Annual Recognition Breakfast in March, and the Annual Golf Tournament in the summer. Committee members work with staff and other board members to attend to the logistics  required to produce a successful event. The events committee also solicits giveaways, prizes,  awards, and works with staff to identify opportunities for enhancing each event.

This group also works closely with staff and other  members of the board to create and implement the financial resource plan that will guide the  Foundation’s activities in seeking out and securing funding from diverse sources. This responsibility is the lifeblood of the Foundation mission and supports the Annual Recognition  Breakfast and Annual Golf Tournament. The committee supports these events but also supports ongoing efforts by the Marketing Committee to attract new donors, works on creating new  revenue streams, and considers other fundraising efforts. This committee may also take the  lead in working with the other board members to explore the best ways they can contribute to  the fundraising effort.




Special Events Committee Members
  • Meredith Needham
    Committee Chair
  • Heidi Hart-Gorman
    Syracuse University College of Law
  • Mary Beth Lopez
    Haylor Freyer & Coon
  • Jason Allers
    Sterling Insurance
  • Andy Maxwell
    C&S Companies
  • Peggy Chase
    Onondaga County Legislature
  • Tim O'Donnell
    CMD Outsourcing Solutions
  • Benjamin Steuerwalt
    Syracuse City School District-Physical Education
  • Anastasia Urtz




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